What is the Most Common Cause of a House Fire - Fire Damage Restoration

Fire damage happens to homes quite often, and they can be an alarming thing to deal with. The National Fire Protection Association has reported that there are more than 300,000 house fires a year in the United States, and they are liable for the deaths and injuries of firefighters and civilians. Fire restoration contractors like Paul Davis have executed many fire restoration services because of these numbers. The feasibility of a house fire shouldn't be left unnoticed, and that's why it's good to know what the most common causes of house fires are. We've compiled a list of the most common fire hazards so that you can prevent a fire from occurring in your home.

Being Distracted in the Kitchen

Cooking is one of the primary causes of house fires, and a fire usually transpires when the stove is neglected. Many fire damage restoration services have been needed because of neglected activities in the kitchen. It's critical to linger in the kitchen while preparing your food, or to get someone to monitor it if you move away from the room.

Accessories Using Electricity

Appliances that use an electrical current, such as coffee makers and microwaves need to be watched after and put in locations that aren't risky. If any of your electrical gear has a worn out cord, then they are a fire risk. Furthermore, what you need to keep in mind is your outlets. Don't plug too many things into them.

Forgotten Candles

One of the more nice pieces to have around the home are candles. Although they make for elegant decorations, they are also a big fire hazard. Make sure to extinguish your candles before departing the room, and put them in a location where they won't fall over or burn other things around them.


When it comes to fire hazards, cigarettes are risky because they can drop on the ground and burn for a long period of time. Leaving your home to smoke is an excellent idea to avoid this risk.

A House with Defective Wiring

Residences with defective wiring produce electrical issues which can lead to a house fire. This presents a problem because it's not in plain sight, but there are a few things you can look out for to diagnose any faulty wiring in your property:

  • Your lights dim when another appliance is in use
  • You have to disconnect something in order for an appliance to work
  • Your circuit trips frequently

If this is the situation for you, fix the issue and reach out to an electrician or contact your landlord.

Grills in Your Yard

For most people, a grill is a part of their home for the summer months. Nevertheless, check that it's not nearby your house or any plants and trees. Maintaining your grill is also crucial because the buildup in it can put you at risk of fire. Additionally, you need to inspect the gas bottle frequently for leaks or other possible problems.


Kids are typically curious, and fire can be attractive to them. Hide all matches and lighters in your home to establish the safety of your children. Take added steps and make sure your children know how to clear the area and that they know their address if they need to call 911.

Placing Combustible Liquids

Certain liquids should be stored away from any source of heat, and you should always check the label to see if they are flammable.

Christmas Trees & Lights

Christmas trees deliver holiday joy into the home, but they are also a risk for house fires. Cutting a small section from the trunk will allow your tree to absorb water, and it's necessary to do this before it goes in the tree stand. Watering your tree frequently and keeping it hydrated is also a vital step. One more thing you should do is turn off your Christmas lights when you go to bed. You could consider purchasing an artificial tree to counter a fire hazard.

Clothing Dryers

Fires produced from dryers are rather prevalent, and that's why it's critical to keep them maintained. To prevent your property from needing fire clean up services, always clean out the lint trap before using it again, and examine the dryer duct consistently because lint can get trapped in there as well.


It's impossible to remove all potential risks for fire, but knowing the most typical causes of house fires can eliminate your risk significantly. If you have experienced any fire damage to your home, don't hesitate to call an expert that offers fire clean up services, like Paul Davis. We are a fire clean up company that can get your house brought back to its previous state.